Studio A – Kathryn Shuttleworth

Studio A Sound Gallery













This was taken shortly after the Widescreen refurb of Studio A. Which didn’t last long before they decided to shut down the studio. Andy Redfern is at the desk.

Studio A Vision Gallery













David Ashton, vision engineer standing up and seated at the back is Keith Knowles who at that time would have been on the lighting console.

Studio A Gallery












Taken shortly after the Widescreen refurb. Obviously the production team hadn’t arrived when I took this photo!

Studio A Floor













This was the set for a corporate event. As well as making programmes we went through a phase of hosting a few of these for big businesses. I guess it was quite prestigious to hold your annual corporate bash in a TV studio and have a professional recording of the event made.

Prince Charles’ visit to Pebble Mill

Prince Charles visited Pebble Mill at some point in the mid 1980s.  Here are a couple of memories from staff who remember the visit.

Tracy Crump, ‘I remember Charles coming. I worked in the kitchens. Eileen Bywater was my boss.  I remember having to make chilled watercress soup.’

Marie Phillips, ‘I remember Prince Charles coming to Pebble Mill. Staff were gathered in the Foyer and a voice piped up – “Did yer use yer soap Sir?” A startled Prince said “Er, yes I did”. “Oh good, cos I’ve got it” replied Joycie Kite, who many will remember as a real character among Pebble Mill’s own Band of Cleaners before Contractors came in.’

Boogie Outlaws – photos by Willoughby Gullachsen

Photographs by Willoughby Gullachsen. No reproduction without permission.









































Photos by Willoughby Gullachsen, no reproduction without permission.

‘Boogie Outlaws’ was written by Leslie Stewart, produced by Carol Parks, and directed by Keith Godman.  It was made at BBC Pebble Mill and transmitted in 1987.  The drama told the story of record manager, Manfred Holt, who puts together a band of musicians, who are on the run from the police.

It starred Ian Hogg, David Schofield, Isla Blair, John Judd, Francesca Brill and Chris Tummings.

Thanks to Janice Rider, who was the costume designer on ‘Boogie Outlaws’ for making the photos available.






Gyrocopter at Pebble Mill

Copyright resides with the original holder, no reproduction without permission.

These pictures are of a gyrocopter at Pebble Mill.

Keith Brook aka Scouse adds the following information:

‘This is Wing Commander Ken Wallis, born 1916 and still going strong.

The shots are from a ‘Pebble Mill’ item where he did some acrobatics and an interview. Wonderful man, mad as a hatter!! Can’t remember the date, life was a blur in those days.

After a rather good lunch he agreed to do some more flying and we shot some extra stuff that was edited together along with the Black Beauty theme by Tony Rayner.

The autogyro was featured in a James Bond film. That was the peg for the interview. ‘ That is the reason for the missiles on the frame!  Russell Parker has identified the gyrocopter as ‘Little Nelly’ from ‘You Only Live Twice.’ Apparently Wing Commander Wallis used to make these autogyros at his home, Reymerston Hall, in Norffolk.

Thanks to VT Editor Ian Collins for making the images available, and to Conol O’Donnell, Murray Clarke, Russell Parker and Keith Brook (Scouse) for adding the information.

Pebble Mill Reunion 2010

Copyright resides with the original holder, no reproduction without permission. Thanks to Jane Mclean for making the photo available.

The photo was taken at Keith Salmon’s get together at the Saracen’s in 2010.

Included are: John Smith, John Endall, Yvonne Ackrill, Keith Ackrill, Jim Dumighan, Roy Ronnie, Margaret & Brian Barton, Gordon White, Keith Salmon, John Kimberley, Dave Ballantyne, Toby Horwood, Bob Jacobs, Wilf Welch, Tony Wolfe, James French, John Couzens, behind Jane Mclean (front with orange juice), Kath Woolston, John Abbott. Simon Evans wearing shades at back and Eric Wise standing in the front between Dave Ballantyne and Bob Jacobs.  It might be Keith Bullock behind Margaret Barton, Dave Doogood behind Bob Jacobs and Mark Kershaw between Wilf Welch and Tony Wolfe.  Probably Phil Wilson behind Kath Woolston. Simon Albu on left in front of John Smith.

Thanks to Dave Bushell, Jayne Savage, Janet Collins, Yvonne Ackrill and Jane Mclean for identifying everyone.