Pebble Mill Tapestry

In 1984 Marian Foster and Kaffe Fassett oversaw the Heritage Tapestry, which was made up of 6″x 6″ squares sent in by viewers of Pebble Mill at One. The tapestry was quite eclectic with each square having a different subject, colour, style etc. Apparently at least 2,000 viewers contributed to the tapestry. Sewing the tapestry together must have been a big job. It was displayed a a number of exhibitions, but housed at Chatsworth House in Derbyshire. It left Chatsworth in May 1993. I remember the tapestry hanging in the corridor overlooking the courtyard at Pebble Mill, which ran along the side of Studio A.

I cannot find a photograph of the tapestry, and I don’t know what happened to it when the building closed in 2004. Please add a comment, if you know any more about the tapestry, or what happened to it.

the tapestry used to hang in the corridor to the left hand-side of this photograph

The tapestry used to hang in the corridor to the left hand-side of this photograph. Photo by Philip Morgan

Ready Steady Grow













Copyright resides with the original holder, no reproduction without permission.

This is a grab from the titles of a gardening show: Ready Steady Grow. I think it was a daytime show, perhaps a quiz or challenge show, probably dating from the early 1990s. Unfortunately I can’t find any details about the show, so if you have any information, please add a comment. Thanks to Ian Collins for sharing the still.

Radio WM Christmas Greetings

Radio WM Christmas card PdW











Copyright resides with the original holder, no reproduction without permission.

Radio WM Christmas card, probably dating from the early 1990s. The card lists the week day, Radio WM presenters’ times, including: Chris Humphreys, Tony Butler, Gordon Astley, Ed Doolan, Pat De Whalley, Paul Brighton and John Taynton. Jenny Wilkes and colleagues from the weekend team receive an honourable mention.

Thanks to Pat De Whalley for sharing the Christmas card.

The following comments were left on the Pebble Mill Facebook page:

Nick Hennegan: ‘Brilliant. Although they missed out ‘Heartlands’.’

Mark Jones: ‘Probably 1991 … After Heartlands opt had ended.’

Chris Humphrys: ‘Don’t think I’ve ever seen this – or the original…would have mentioned they’d spelt my name wrongly otherwise! 1991 is a pretty good guess I think…’