Great Expectations Blacksmith’s Set

Copyright resides with the original holder, no reproduction without permission





















These photos are of the blacksmith’s set in the 1981 adaptation of Dickens’ Great Expectations, in Studio A.

They were originally posted on the Pebble Mill Engineers’ Facebook group.

Keith Godman









Keith Godman director of Boogie Outlaws died in July 2017. Janice Rider designed the Costumes and Myles Lang was Production Designer. Leslie Stewart wrote the script and Carol Parks produced. Janice remembers that, ‘Keith was tremendous fun but we shot in some gruelling freezing circumstances.’ Janice found Keith’s obituary on page 5 of this Parish newsletter, which captures his spirit so well.

Radio OB in Victoria Square

Photo from Rod Fawcett, no reproduction without permission












The photo shows Radio WM Engineer, Rod Fawcett, with Chris Nelson and Tom Horsfield, adjusting the mast, on an outside broadcast in Birmingham’s Victoria Square. The radio car is a Montego. There was obviously some Victorian theme, hence the costumes.

The following comment was left on the Pebble Mill Facebook page:

Andy Walters: ‘Those masts were awful. Looks like Tom is having a little difficulty there. Every so often a Journalist would drive under a low bridge and whack the antenna off the top of the stowed mast. The car that succeeded the one in the picture, a Peugeot 405 now resides in Coventry Motor Museum.’

Billy Joel Live on One

Copyright resides with the original holder, no reproduction without permission













The live concert of Billy Joel at Wembley was transmitted on 8th June 1984.

Below is the entry from the Radio Times, courtesy of the BBC Genome project:

“Billy Joel in Concert

BILLY JOEL , American singer/songwriter, in a rare live broadcast from Wembley Arena, presents a catalogue of hits from ‘Piano man’ to ‘An innocent man’.
In this, the only European engagement of his 1984 World Tour, Billy Joel includes previous favourites Just the way you are’, ‘Goodnight baigon and ‘Allentown’ along with his contemporary successes ‘Tell her about it’, ‘Uptown girl’ and ‘An innocent man’.
Lighting STEVE COHEN , DEREK PRICE Executive producer JIM DUMIGHAN Production JOHN G. SMITH
BBC Pebble Mill”

Jane Mclean was the PA.

Thanks to Stuart Allen for sharing this screen grabs from the concert.

The following comments were added on the Pebble Mill Facebook page:

Andrew Henry Lewellyn Davies: ‘It was also broadcast live at the same time on Radio 1. I still have the recording. Superb broadcast of Joel in his pomp.’

Peter Hercombe: ‘Remember this well. Love Billy Joel. Well done John G and Jane !’