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Thanks to Kevin Lakin for making this camera script available.
‘Bird of Prey 2’ was the sequel series to the 1982 conspiracy thriller of the same name. The series was written by Ron Hutchinson and produced at Pebble Mill, being transmitted in September 1984. It was a four part series about computer fraud, recorded in Studio A.
The series featured: Richard Griffiths as Henry Jay, Carole Nimmins as Anne Jay, Lee Montague as Roche, Jan Holden as Mrs Lucas and as Timothy Bateson as Mr Jorry, and Bob Peck as Greggory.
As you can see on the camera script, the series was directed by Don Leaver and produced by Bernard Krichefski.
Dawn Mears worked as an assistant editor on the series and remembers it well:
“It was my first break editing drama as Nigel Pardoe Matthews let me cut an episode all by myself! Andy Turley did the graphics which involved a computer game. Unheard of in those times . Ron Hutchinson was the writer I think. It was beautifully written, very clever. It was a studio drame with film inserts.”