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Thanks to Peter Poole for sharing this compilation of BBC Radio Birmingham jingles.
Pete Simpkin a Radio Birmingham presenter/producer added the following information on the Pebble Mill Facebook group:
‘The first two sections are part of the original Radio Birmingham jingle package from the early seventies. The original jingles were recorded at Pebble Mill by the Midland Radio Orchestra and there is just a snatch of one of these after the pips. (The voice over incidentally is that of Barry Lankester, the original presenter of Midlands Today who came over in the first wave of staff from the old Midland Region).
The Second part, the ‘News jingle’ was a later example of how the staff started to create versions of the originals and use new samples from non commercial disks. The ‘West Midlands air’ piece is a classic example of homemade items in the mid 70s, but that one was not often used. Later in the 70s and with the name change came major new sets, one locally recorded by a Birmingham Commercial studio and the final great collection used for many years into the 80s was recorded by the famous Dallas Texas Theme Tune Company!!’