Telecine – photos by John Kimberley & Ivor Williams

Photos by John Kimberley and Ivor Williams, no reproduction without permission.

These photos include the Rank Cintel 16 mm Flying Spot Telecine (1971) and the VTA Ampex 2000 & amp; Sepmag Machines (1971).

Telecine is the process by which film footage is transferred to video.  It also refers to the equipment used in the transfers.  Telecine is an amalgam of the words ‘television’ and ‘cinema’.


‘All Creatures Great and Small’ – Kevin Lakin








These photos were taken while filming ‘All Creatures Great and Small’.  We were filming at a horse race stables in the Yorkshire Dales, we had a sure fire tip from the Head Lad, we all won and took the local bookmaker for £1000. Those are £50 notes by the way, there were some very sore heads in the morning. Terry Ford the guy in the dark jumper, has passed away, the other guy is Stan Morgan, ( in stripped shirt ) I think he has passed away too.

Kevin Lakin


Stan Morgan & Kevin Lakin


Dub 1 – photos by Ben Peissel

Photos by Ben Peissel, no reproduction without permission.

These photos are of Dub 1 at Pebble Mill.  Dub 1 was often used for mixing dramas, as you can see by ‘Doctors’ on the viewing screen.  There are also photos of Dub 1 under construction, and of the various mixing desks.

Dub 1

Studio A – photos by Tim Savage, John Kimberley and Ivor Williams

Photos by Tim Savage, John Kimberley and Ivor Williams, no reproduction without permission.

The photos include the  Pebble Mill, Studio A, EMI 2001 cameras line up, the line up gallery, the lighting gallery, the colour matching desk, the lighting gantry, and the production gallery.  Also included are several photos of the ‘All Creatures Great and Small’ set in Studio A.

EMI 2001 line up

Midlands Today 25th Anniversary – Peter Poole

Photo from Peter Poole, copyright resides with the original photographer, no reproduction without permission.

This photo was taken after the 25th Anniversary edition of Midlands Today.  Included in the photo are Darren New, Brian Conway, Jane Patterson in red, Peter Poole, Ann Banks, David Davies, Sue beardsmore, Alan Towers, Howard dartnall, Lynda Maher, Nick Johnson (soundman) a very young Chris Nelson, and Jonathan Dick.  

Thanks to those who helped with identifying people!