Great Expectations – the street

Photo by Albert Sheard, no reproduction without permission















This is the street in Dickens’ Great Expectations from the 1981 series produced at Pebble Mill. The street was constructed in Studio A by designer Michael Edwards, and demonstrates the skill of the production designer.

Thanks to scenic services Albert Sheard for sharing the photograph.

The following comments were left on the Pebble Mill Facebook page:

Julian Hitchcock: ‘Fabulous set. I worked on this. Stratford Johns was Magwitch. Nice man.’

David Headon: ‘Studio A was amazing. You could land a Lancaster Bomber in there..’

Ian Collins: ‘I was the VT Editor on that production. Great times.’

Nick Booth: ‘Peter Booth was the lighting designer’

Regional Clubs Day 1990

Copyright resides with the original holder, no reproduction without permission

























These photographs were published in the BBC newspaper, Ariel, in July 1990. They were taken at the annual Regional Clubs Day held at Pebble Mill.


The second photo shows the Midlands winning badminton team, including Arif ?, Jane Dance, Pippa Jones (Graphics), ?.

The photos were originally shared on the Pebble Mill Engineers’ Facebook page.

The following comments were left on the Pebble Mill Facebook page:

Craig Wood: ‘Front row, second in on the left is my good pal, Mike Brown. Who I worked with in graphics. Very sadly passed away a few years ago.’

Ruth Barretto: ‘Front row: Colin ? Mike brown, Karen Hewson, Richard Pearson, middle row: Jane Dance Bartley, Maria Hurley, Lynne ? Julie Adams, David Wayne, Mary Sanchez’

Local Radio OB set up

Photo by Rod Fawcett, no reproduction without permission












This photo from Radio WM engineer, Rod Fawcett, shows a typical local radio outside broadcast set-up.

Vanity Fair – Vauxhall Gardens

Photo by Chris Glover, no reproduction without permission













Night shoot for the 1987 serial Vanity Fair, Vauxhall Gardens scenes.

Thanks to Chris Glover for sharing the photo.

The following comment was left on the Pebble Mill Facebook page:

Diane Lester: “We filmed the Vauxhall garden scenes over a few night shots at Bickling Hall, Norfolk. The cameraman in the picture is Paul, (sorry, can’t remember his surname). Dave Bushell is also in shot, well his back is.”

Donny Macleod poem

“Poem written and delivered by the late, great, Donny Macleod for David Seymour’s Leaving presentation from Pebble Mill at One. Found in my Father Cassette archive this one off poem is beautiful and unique.”

Ben Seymour (David Seymour’s son)