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These pages include the cast and crew for episodes 1 and 5 of the series, Boys from the Blackstuff from 1982. The lists include the stuntmen, and the day by day schedule of the two episodes. Episode 1 includes the death of Snowy, in a fall from a window, which obviously involved a stuntman.
Thanks to Rachel Selby, from Costume, for sharing these pages, and for keeping them safe since the early 1980s.
The following comments were left on the Pebble Mill Facebook page:
Tony Wass: Myself and Andy Redfern were the Boom Ops on this and I was also the dubbing editor and gram op – we got a BAFTA for the sound too! This was the first time video audio was track laid like film, it took me some weeks……
Jane Partridge: I was working as Props Clerk, then. Can remember the faces of the lads who worked on it but not the names! ? Chris, Alan Fortey (Props Buyer Toni’s son), Dave Ackrill possibly – not sure if Bill did that one, too. Remember them getting ready to go away for the filming.