Shalom Salaam tracking shot – Dave Bushell

Photo by lighting director, Dave Bushell, no reproduction without permission.

‘Shalom Salaam’, filming at Leicester Station, 1988.

John Trew laying a camera track (while there’s a perfectly good one already in place on the right). The rigger on the left is Peter Mylowski, and I think it’s Elson Godbolt (vision engineer) at rest on the dolly.

Just visible in the distance in the trademark sheepskin coat is director Gareth Jones.

Dave Bushell

(Thanks to Andy Frizzell for identifying the rigger)

John Abbott on Shalom Salaam – photo by Dave Bushell

John Abbott

Photo by Dave Bushell, no reproduction without permission.

The photo is of John Abbott, Engineering Manager, during a shoot for ‘Shalom Salaam’ in Leicester in 1988. He was celebrating a significant birthday with location catering!

Dave Bushell

The Franchise Affair – photo by Dave Bushell

The ‘Franchise Affair’ was a 6 part serial, which I think was hosted at Pebble Mill from London.  It was transmitted in 1988.  Terrance Dicks was the producer, Leonard Lewis the director, and Phillippa Giles the script editor.  Dave Bushell was the lighting director and Rob Hinds the production designer.

The story was about a mother and daughter, living in a house called The Franchise, who are accused of kidnapping a 15 year old girl and making her work as a servant. See BFI database:

‘Took this shot while we were shooting ‘The Franchise Affair’ at Bewdley station in 1988. I don’t think any work is going on – just three guys examining a very large ‘Boy’s Toy’. I think it’s Tom Beach (Props Buyer) on the left with Keith Moreton (chargehand electrician)  and Eric Crouch (electrician).’

Dave Bushell

Jim Hiscox

Copyright resides with the original holder, no reproduction without permission.

This photo was taken at Pebble Mill in April 1972.

It’s of Jim Hiscox, and was probably taken in the workshop at the rear of the original TAR (Television Apparatus Room).

Thanks to Dave Bushell and Jim Hiscox for identifying the photo.

Stuart Gandy adds the following information: ‘This was the original TAR location at the side of Studio A vision gallery. When the studio refurbishment in the mid 1980s took place TAR moved to the area above the foyer and the new ‘electronic’ graphics department occupied the original space.’

Outside broadcast, ‘Vanity Fair’ – photos by Ian Collins

Photos by Ian Collins, no reproduction without permission.

These photos are from a Pebble Mill outside broadcast from May 1987. They feature VT engineer Paul Scholes, OB engineer Rod Bach, vision engineer John Bradley and PA Janet Redencowitz (sp?).

The outside broadcast was for the drama series: ‘Vanity Fair’, for which lighting director Dave Bushell was nominated for a BAFTA.  The location was Heydon Hall or Thetford, both in Norfolk.  The series was hosted at Pebble Mill, out of London.