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This titles grab is from Gardeners’ World Live from the 1990s. Gardeners’ World Live was the television show from the annual gardening event of the same name; which is held at the NEC in mid June each year. The gardening exhibition is organised by Haymarket, who publish the BBC Gardeners’ World magazine. The television show is usually presented by a selection of the weekly Gardeners’ World presenters.
I produced this television show over several years, and used to really enjoy making it. We used to have a production office at the show, and then come back to Pebble Mill for the post production, and transmission. It was a quick turnaround, with the majority of the programme being recorded on the week of transmission, with a couple of video-taped inserts recorded in advance. I remember one year, where we realised about fifteen minutes before the transmission that we needed an extra piece of voice-over to make a particular junction work. I’ve never seen people move so fast, and everyone worked brilliantly as a team to find the presenter, write the script, lash together a mic, record the VO and insert it into the transmission tape – and we still made transmission! John Walton was the online VT editor that year, and did a fantastic job.
Thanks to Ian Collins for making the grab available.
Vanessa Jackson