Photographs copyright of Laura McNeill, no reproduction without permission.
These photos feature various costume and design staff at Pebble Mill, amongst others – mostly taken at parties. They include: Terry Powell, Paul Gooch, Ray Holman, Peter Lloyd, John Ellis, Jacqui Pratt, Maggie Thomas, Diane Lester, Al Barnett, Tracey, Sally Holden, Cathy Ayerst, Lesley Thomas, Carl Dolan, Conrad Fletcher.
Photos by Gail Herbert, no reproduction without permission.
In 1990 BBC Pebble Mill produced a Chelsea Special programme which went out on BBC 2 on the Wednesday night of Chelsea week, as well as a ‘Gardeners’ World’ from Chelsea on the Friday, presented by Geoff Hamilton.
The first photo shows presenter Anne Swithinbank, with cameraman Mike Shelton and director Nick Bamford; the second, director Annette Martin, with researcher Helen Faulkner, and presenter Geoff Hamilton; the third photo is of P.A. Jacqui Pratt, camerman Keith Froggatt and sound Alex Christison; the fourth photo is of presenter and garden designer David Stevens; photo five is of David Stevens with Mike Shelton and director Nick Patten; photo six is of researcher Helen Faulkner and Mike Shelton; photo seven is of David Stevens with Nick Patten.
Nick Patten was also shooting a gardening series called ‘Gardens by Design’ in 1990, presented by garden designer, David Stevens, and recorded some of the show at the Chelsea Flower Show. These photos are a combination of the Chelsea coverage, and ‘Gardens by Design’.