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Director and choreographer, Gillian Lynne, who died at the beginning of July 2018, taking a warm up with the crew.
This is from the production The Various Ends of Mrs F’s Friends, transmitted in December 1981.
Included in the photo are, Gillian Lynne, floor Assistant, Mick Murphy next to Gillian, then Pete Edwards, Jack Rooke, Phil Wilson, Keith Schofield, Phil Thickett, Robin Sunderland, Andy Miekle and Keith Froggatt, Jess Bhatti (studio attendant) in the background.
Thanks to Robin Sunderland for sharing the photo.
The following comments were left on the Pebble Mill Facebook page:
Mick Murphy: ‘Studio A, ‘The Various Ends Of Mrs F’s Friends’. Scenic services had laid a chequered floor canvas which was creased. Gillian had the idea to get the studio crew in a line to shuffle it smooth…in a dance style routine of course. I was her assistant floor manager, marking time. She was a lovely person. Great picture, happy times.’
Karen Bevins: ‘I was Costume Assistant on it & Al Barnett was Costume Designer ‘
Kate Rolfe: ‘I was the assistant on this production and we finished making it in July 1981 when I went on maternity leave. It was her first telly and she was great fun to work with’