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Radio WM Christmas card, probably dating from the early 1990s. The card lists the week day, Radio WM presenters’ times, including: Chris Humphreys, Tony Butler, Gordon Astley, Ed Doolan, Pat De Whalley, Paul Brighton and John Taynton. Jenny Wilkes and colleagues from the weekend team receive an honourable mention.
Thanks to Pat De Whalley for sharing the Christmas card.
The following comments were left on the Pebble Mill Facebook page:
Nick Hennegan: ‘Brilliant. Although they missed out ‘Heartlands’.’
Mark Jones: ‘Probably 1991 … After Heartlands opt had ended.’
Chris Humphrys: ‘Don’t think I’ve ever seen this – or the original…would have mentioned they’d spelt my name wrongly otherwise! 1991 is a pretty good guess I think…’