Here’s me on The Tom O’Connor Roadshow (picture by Nigel Beaumont).
This was at the Cambridge Corn Exchange. The camera is an LDK 5 working out of our big OB truck called CM1. This picture exemplifies the long hours of waiting that OBs sometimes entail. I think at one point I did actually doze off. I just had the big wide ‘low cock-up factor’ shot, not very challenging. It was sometimes a good idea to bring along a book. Some crew members bought along golf clubs, badminton racquets and watercolour sets, so that their time off duty away from home could be made more useful. I remember going to a fringe comedy show one evening whilst we were in Cambridge for Tom O’Connor.
Toby Horwood
The following comments were left on the Pebble Mill Facebook Page:
Mike Renshall: ‘North 3 did Falkirk and Blackpool (twice), all of which I was on the crew for.’
Alan Jessop: ‘That Schneider ZDU has the external v/f switch adaptor that I thought was only on LO6 cameras, was this CM1 then?