Tag: Tom Coyne
Nationwide visits Pebble Mill
Tom Coyne shows the viewers of Nationwide around the brand new Pebble Mill studios in 1971, including TV Studios A and B, and Radio studio 3, the home of The Archers.
The day the Pebble Mill studio opened
This link is to a clip from Nationwide on 15th June 1971. Midlands Today presenter, Tom Coyne gives a guided tour of the brand new Pebble Mill studios. Included in the tour are Studio B, the home of Midlands Today; Studio A, where many dramas were produced; and the Radio studios, home to The Archers, we also see Radio WM in action. There is no mention of Pebble Mill at One, because the programme had not yet been planned.
Thanks to Malcolm Hickman for sharing the link.
The following comments were left on the Pebble Mill Facebook page:
Keith Warrender:’The EMI cameras were still going in 1983 when they were replaced with Link 125s. Link are long gone but the old factory is still standing unused in Andover.’
Sue Astle: ‘Such an amazing exciting time for us then, we were privileged to have worked there. Susie Bancroft. Ex make up’
Sarah Tongue: ‘My mom ran the Library!’
Helen Smith: ‘Loved watching that, my Dad was the cameraman at the beginning of the clip.’
Michael Fisher: ‘Radio Birmingham as it was at the start!’
Andy Marriott: ‘What was the little mini cart system they were using for spot effects, called?’
Malcolm Hickman: ‘It was a device called a P.E.G. Programme effects generator. They used a spool of tape in a case with a metal loop fitted at one end. When you inserted the cartridge, the machine grabbed the tab and cued the effect. It had loads of slots so a sequence of effects could be built up. A BBC designs department product, IIRC.’
Sue Welch: ‘Actually remember Tom Coyne from Tyne Tees Television. A very long time ago.’
Malcolm Adcock: ‘Happy memories, joined Top Gear in 1988 and our production office was later in the old Pebble Mill at One studio area.’
BBC Birmingham remembers Pebble Mill heritage
BBC Birmingham at the Mailbox is remembering its heritage by naming some of its meeting rooms after famous Pebble Mill programmes.
The programmes being honoured include:
Pebble Mill at One
Good Morning with Anne and Nick
Howards’ Way
Tom Coyne
If you have any logos or photos of these programmes, which might be suitable to decorate the walls of the meeting rooms, then please get in touch. Vanessa
The following additional suggestions were added on the Pebble Mill Facebook page:
Helena Morrisey: ‘What about all the fine radio output too…? R3’s The Music Machine was a groundbreaking programme and produced at Pebble Mill.’
Stuart Gandy: ‘Not forgetting the popular local music show ‘Look Hear’. It was a big production for a local programme.’
Julie Hill: ‘Yes and what about Angels, Saturday Night at the Mill, The Clothes Show, Gardeners World, Ebony.’
Jane Clement: ‘If they name any more rooms, I would suggest The Archers. And Donny MacLeod.’
Jane Ward: ‘Midlands Radio Orchestra?’
Sue Welch: ‘Only TV? How about all the Radio 2 output and Radios 3 &4, not to mention 5?’
Bill Bohanna: ‘”Gangsters”, “Boys from the Black Stuff”, “All Creatures Great and Small” more to follow’
Mike Hayes: ‘Do not forget David Steel & Michael Hancock…’
Midlands Today Reunion – Midlands Yesterday
A reminder of Midlands Today Reunion – MIDLANDS YESTERDAY.
The reunion is for anyone who worked on Midlands Today, as Presenters, Journalists, Production, Engineers, Cameras, Sound, VT, Film, Lights, etc.
The date, time and venue: Saturday, 3rd September 2016, 1pm – 6pm, Deloitte room at the Midlands Arts Centre.
Everyone who worked on the programme is invited.
Buffet tickets will cost £10 which covers finger food and room hire.
If you would like a ticket please email Roy Saatchi: roy.saatchi@iwishicouldmakethiswork.com and he will let you know how to get a ticket and pay for it.
Any more details email Maureen Carter (maureencarter@gmail.com) or Cathy Houghton (cathy@houghton.net).