Keith Moreton

Pebble Mil scene dock, photo by Jim Gregory, no reproduction without permission

Pebble Mil scene dock, photo by Jim Gregory, no reproduction without permission

Tony Wolfe, Barry Chatfield, Annie Morris, Keith Moreton. Photo Jane McLean, no reproduction without permission

Tony Wolfe, Barry Chatfield, Annie Morris, Keith Moreton. Photo Jane McLean, no reproduction without permission

Keith Moreton and Jane McLean. Photo from Jane McLean, no reproduction without permission

Keith Moreton and Jane McLean. Photo from Jane McLean, no reproduction without permission










Derek Price and Keith Moreton, photo by Jane McLean, no reproduction without permission

Derek Price and Keith Moreton, photo by Jane McLean, no reproduction without permission


































Keith Moreton sadly died last Thursday 3rd November 2016, after a short illness. Keith was a Charge-hand Electrician at Pebble Mill, along with Phil Vaughan, Keith Bullock, Roger Hynes and Derek McCulloch.

(Thanks to Annie Gumbley-Williams for passing on this news).

The following memories of working with Keith were added to the Pebble Mill Facebook page:

Lesley Weaver: ‘Many happy memories of working with Keith. What a lad! I especially remembering him sitting in the Make up room at Pebblemill showing me how to fill in my T&D’s the ‘Sparks Way’ for a block of filming we both did on the same programme .. It may have been Nannys. Needless to say it was instantly rejected in our office… unlike his no doubt!’

Bridget Jenkins: ‘Coming into my office on Friday lunchtimes to encourage me down to the club. And me a fine upstanding Personnel Officer! He lightened up many a dull day.’





Pebble Mill table at Journalists’ Charity Event

Journalists Charity lunch March 27 2014













Photo by Vanessa Jackson

This photo was taken at the Journalists’ Charity Event lunch on March 28th 2014. The event was held at the Holte Suite at Aston Villa Football Club. Jim Dumigan had arranged a ‘Pebble Mill’ table. Included in the photo are, left to right: Tony Rayner, Tony Wolfe, Jim Dumighan and John Williams.

Pebble Mill staff also present at the dinner were: Midlands Today presenter, Nick Owen, director, Philip Thickett, Caroline Officer, Tommy Nagra, Jenny Wilkes and Vanessa Jackson.

The lunch included a Q&A between C4 news presenter and journalist, Jon Snow and Nick Owen.


VT Viewing













Photo from Tim Savage, no reproduction without permission.

The photo probably dates from the early 1980s, judging by all the 2″ tapes on the shelves, the 1″ machine on the left, and Mike Bloore’s hair! It includes, left to right: VT editor, Mike Bloore; VT editor, Tim Savage; Trudy Stanton, Tony Wolfe, Lynne Morris (graphics). It looks like the viewing of a programme, probably Pebble Mill at One in VT B.

Pebble Mill Reunion 2010

Copyright resides with the original holder, no reproduction without permission. Thanks to Jane Mclean for making the photo available.

The photo was taken at Keith Salmon’s get together at the Saracen’s in 2010.

Included are: John Smith, John Endall, Yvonne Ackrill, Keith Ackrill, Jim Dumighan, Roy Ronnie, Margaret & Brian Barton, Gordon White, Keith Salmon, John Kimberley, Dave Ballantyne, Toby Horwood, Bob Jacobs, Wilf Welch, Tony Wolfe, James French, John Couzens, behind Jane Mclean (front with orange juice), Kath Woolston, John Abbott. Simon Evans wearing shades at back and Eric Wise standing in the front between Dave Ballantyne and Bob Jacobs.  It might be Keith Bullock behind Margaret Barton, Dave Doogood behind Bob Jacobs and Mark Kershaw between Wilf Welch and Tony Wolfe.  Probably Phil Wilson behind Kath Woolston. Simon Albu on left in front of John Smith.

Thanks to Dave Bushell, Jayne Savage, Janet Collins, Yvonne Ackrill and Jane Mclean for identifying everyone.