Al Barnett’s retirement party

Colin Bailey dresser, Peter Church












Photo by Peter Church, no reproduction without permission. Peter Church was the partner of senior dresser, Colin Bailey, for many years.

The photo is probably of Al Barnett’s (Costume department) retirement party.

Senior dresser, Colin Bailey, sadly died in 2005.

Thanks to Colin’s partner, Peter, for sharing the photo.

Bob Jacobs (drama dept), second from the left.

The following comments were left on the Pebble Mill Facebook page:

Keith Brook (Scouse): ‘It’s John Abbott in the suit foreground. Harvey Frost is behind Gwen. I think it’s Yvonne O’Malley hiding behind John’s right shoulder, our left.’

Susan Astle: ‘Gwen Arthy.Joyce Hawkins John Linlair at the front. Jane Wellsley behind Colin.’

Kate Hawkins: ‘And that’s me bottom left hand corner…checked jacket. I was ‘Senior Personnel Officer’ to Programme Services. Harvey Frost is behind Joyce & John.’

Liz Cox: ‘Karen Bevins is in black behind Gwen’